B2B Program
Not every business is the same, and one B2B solution can’t fit everyone’s needs.
We are a business, and besides working with individuals, we love working with other businesses and companies. We see it as an opportunity to make your life easier, your employees’/team members’ lives easier, and help your company grow.
Serving and being a minister to our community is our passion. So far we’ve organized many events where we helped misfortuned members of our community. Our community is very diverse, and it has a lot of members with different backgrounds and life situations. We realized that we can also serve our community members who are business owners.
Because of business owners in our community, we created B2B programs. We know that being a business owner is hard, so let’s team up, and make it easier for everyone.
We created 3 different B2B programs.
They are all different, and because of that, they are a perfect fit for every business owner.
Discount for your employees
Getting to work can be a bit tricky if you don’t have a car or good public transportation, and this situation can really be demotivating. That is the reason we invented discounts for employees. As a company owner, you can offer discounts to Ride Rental Cars rentals to your employees.
With this Discount for your employees’ program, you are removing problems of getting to work for your employees and making them more productive, and happier.
Coupon exchange
Everyone loves coupons and we are more likely to buy something because of coupons. Coupon exchange is a perfect way of connecting businesses together and doing successful cross-marketing deals.
With the Coupon exchange program, we will put out your coupons, and you will put out our coupons. It is a win-win situation for everyone.
Referral program
This program is exclusive to repair facilities only. It requires registration, and for every client that you refer to us after registration, we will pay you a commission.
With the referral program, you are solving the problem of transportation to your client, and getting a commission from us.
If you are interested in our B2B programs or have more questions about them, contact us at careteam@RideRentalCars.com, and we will be happy to answer all the questions and give you more details.

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