Ride C.A.R.E.S.
Weekly Devotions
January 2023
Our Weekly Devotions is our newest project. We are filming videos where we are talking about Christianity, what Christianity means to us, and how we practice the Bible and celebrate Christianity in our everyday life.
All team members who want to participate meet once a week, and together we are sharing our views on various Bible topics. Often we invite guests, pastors, and Christian business leaders from our community to join our meetings and share their views too.
Christmas Gifts
December 2022
We love our community, and we wanted to give a Christmas gift to them. After lots of thinking, we decided to place donations to the Westover Christian Academy and Alliance Human Services. They are giving so much to our community, and we wanted to support them so they can achieve more things for the community.
Westover Christian Academy has a Financial Aid program. It helps financially struggling families keep their children enrolled and has a safe environment for children while they are learning accurate, fundamental, and traditional American history and values that have made this country great.
Alliance Human Services is taking care of foster children. One of the most vulnerable parts of our community are foster children, and we felt responsible for financially helping Alliance Human Services to give foster children a wonderful Christmas.
Did you know that the majority of foster children have to put their belongings into a trash bag when they are moving? Our donation will help foster children get a suitcase. With suitcases, they will feel better when they have to move because no more packing precious belongings in trash bags. They will be nicely packed in a suitcase, and foster children will feel better in a hard situation.
A huge shout out to Westover Collision and 1st Choice Transmission for their financial participation in this event. Both of these wonderful, locally-owned businesses made large financial contributions to help with this event. You can read more about these two local businesses on our “Preferred Partners” page.
Trunk or Treat II
October 2021
Last year’s Trunk or Treat event was a huge success. We brought the community together and made the youngest members happy.
We decided to repeat this event this year too. It was a huge success, and we even had to buy more candy because we ran out of them! We are so happy that our community joined us, and we had a remarkable day together!
Again we set up vans and this year cars on our parking lot to look like a street. We filled them up with candies and got costumes on. Children and parents were walking from one van to another, saying trick or treat. Every child had a Halloween basket with them, and at the end of our van-simulated street, their baskets were full of candies.
Besides that, we prepared a surprise for our community. We created a haunted house, and everyone could enter it for free. The haunted house was a hit and a very pleasant surprise for our community.
During the event, we met so many members of our community and had a good time with them. Our parking lot was filled with children’s laughter.
This event wouldn’t be possible to organize if we didn’t have help from people from our community! Many members of our community donated candies, and some of them helped us with the organization.
We would like to thank every private person who helped us with candy donations!
Also big thanks to Buddy’s Furniture, Sweetfrog, Outback Steakhouse, Averett University, Loftis Tire Company, Faith Memorial Baptist Church, Brian Jones Motor Sports, Gravely Auto & Truck Parts, Westover Collision, and Trophy & Sign Center.
Easter Hunt
March 2021
We partner up with Faith Memorial Baptist Church in Danville. Together we organized an Easter Eggs Hunt for the children. We hid eggs in front of the church, and children were hunting for them.
The children had so much fun searching for the eggs and they had a marvelous time.
Hoop – Don’t Shoot
March 2021
Hoop – Don’t Shoot is an organization that keeps children away from the streets, and provides a safe environment for them. Child shootings are a huge problem for any community, and we have to do our best to provide a safe environment for every child.
Hoop – Don’t Shoot is providing basketball activities for every child in our community. They have basketball practice, weekly tournaments, and gatherings. Providing a safe space for children is their mission.
We want to help this organization, and help them have enough funds to help every child. Every child deserves a happy childhood and a stress-free environment without getting shot.
Mark started a fundraising campaign, he was running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. For every mile he runs, people put in donations. He collected $600, and all the money went to Hoop – Don’t Shoot.
Christmas Gifts
December 2020
We love our community, and we wanted to give a Christmas gift to them. After lots of thinking, we decided to place donations to the Fraternal Order of Police and Hoop – Don’t Shoot.
They are giving so much to our community, and we wanted to support them so they can achieve more things for the community.
The Fraternal Order of Police is organizing shopping events for children from low-income families. They are making Christmas brighter for community members who are not in a good financial position.
Hoop – Don’t Shoot is a program where children get together and play basketball. Everyone is welcome, and they are organizing weekly tournaments and bringing children together.
Haven of the Dan River Region
November 2020
Heaven of the Dan River Region is an organization that helps domestic violence victims. Besides emotional help, they are providing safe houses for the victims.
We at Ride Rental Cars stand against domestic violence, and we see it as a huge importance to help everyone who is a victim.
In November, Heaven of the Dan River Region asked the community to help them. They did not ask for money, but they asked for everyday groceries and hygienic products for their wards.
The Ride Rental Car office became one of the collection places. Everyone who wanted to donate items from the list could bring them to our office. Besides being a collecting point, we donate some of the items from the list and spread the word about what items Haven of the Dan River Region needs.
Trunk or Treat
October 2020
Halloween is one of the most important holidays for the youngest members of our community. It is a day when everyone gets candy, and has an opportunity to wear a costume. It is a lot of fun.
And with that in mind, we decided to make this day even more cheerful for the youngest members of our community by organizing a Trunk or Treat event.
Children on Halloween go from house to house, saying Trick or Treat, and people give them candy. Since we are a car rental company, we decided to put a twist.
We park a few vans in our parking lot. We park them in a way that represents a street, and every van was like a house. Children and parents were walking from one van to another, saying trick or treat. Every child had a Halloween basket with them, and at the end of our van-simulated street, their baskets were full of candies.
During the event, we met so many members of our community and had a good time with them. Our parking lot was filled with children’s laughter.
This event wouldn’t be possible to organize if we didn’t have help from people from our community! Many members of our community donated candies, and some of them helped us with the organization.
We would like to thank every private person who helped us with candy donations!
Also big thanks to Mama’s Attic, Big Shots, Me’s Burgers & Brews, Waldo Smith Locksmith, Brian Jones Motorsports, Outback, Danville Toyota, Danville Life Saving Crew, Danville Fire Department, Haven of The Dan River Region, Jersey Mike’s, Firehouse Subs, Well Armed Woman, Southside Chapter, Westover Collision, Faith Memorial Baptist Church, Xtreme Heating and Air, A1 Economy Glass and Window Tinting & Gravely Auto and Truck Parts.

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